Activities Filipinos can do during Quarantine

Whether it’s GCQ, ECQ, or MECQ, normal activities have ceased in the past year and quarantines are slowly becoming a standard practice for Filipinos amidst this COVID-19 pandemic. And while it’s a chance to cozy up on our beds and sofa sets, staying home can also be quite taxing. Activities are limited and can get repetitive. But there are plenty of things you can do inside your home to switch things up. Staying inside doesn’t have to feel like a prison sentence. Here are a few activities that might be worth exploring:

Do A Quarantine Scavenger Hunt

To keep your mind occupied, your body functional, and your brain active, you can plan a real-life look-and-find game with your loved ones. It doesn’t take a lot of resources since you can use items you can already find in your home. This quarantine activity not only lets you re-explore nooks and crannies that have remained undiscovered in years. It gives you a good workout and a fun experience that can last anywhere from minutes to hours. This is a great bonding experience when you’re stuck in quarantine with friends and family.

Do Some Quarantine Self-Reflection

Free time doesn’t always warrant exhausting activities. It doesn’t always call for sleep or idleness either. Spare time in quarantine can instead be the perfect opportunity to do both introspection and retrospection. Take advantage of the absence of external noise. It may just be the mental health reset you need to get your life back on track. You have the ability to change your perspective and see things from a different lens.

Do A Quarantine Digital Discovery

If you’re into music and streaming songs daily, why don’t you make a quarantine playlist for your life – make it an adventure! Try putting on a variety of music from different eras and different genres. It will help you feel the joy of the past normal as you adapt to your new one. Maybe it will even help you dance like you were at a club with your friends. You can even host a listening party for you and your friends. Maybe you can even name your playlist “Quaran-tunes.” Go crazy with it!

Do A Course During Quarantine

If you’re looking for something to do during this pandemic, try learning some new skills. There are plenty of educational sites popping up nowadays. There are even free lessons offered by fellow Filipinos and Filipinos at heart. Free Korean classes are available for BTS and Kpop stans. Meanwhile, schools like Harvard offer free units. Undergrads can even continue their education with online education. If courses are too much, you could also just read the books and magazines at home or online – whether it’s science, fiction, or non-fiction, there’s bound to be something interesting tucked away in there that will keep your brain active and help you through quarantine.

Do a Quarantine Training with Your Pets

It doesn’t matter if you have a cat, dog, or even a fish. You can always spend time enriching their lives and teaching them a thing or two while you’re at it. It’ll keep both of you company and it’s never a bad idea to bond with your animal over the years. And don’t listen to that bad advice that you can’t teach old dogs new tricks. Yes. Yes, you can. All you need is a little patience and maybe a lot of treats just to be on the safe side. Imagine the fulfillment you both will have after the quarantine.

Do A Quarantine Date

Apps are amazing at connecting people. And it’s not impossible to connect with someone who can make you blush and sweep you off your feet. With apps now offering video dates as options for safety, you can opt out of singlehood and put on your best outfit. If the date goes horribly, at least you got to up your fashion game, right? But who knows. There may be notification bells today and if you’re lucky, there can be wedding bells tomorrow. One never knows.

These are just a few quarantine activities you can do at home in addition to your regular physical exercise and mental breaks. Remember that being stuck at home isn’t a permit to let yourself go. Try to find a sense of normalcy even when you can’t go out. It will do you a world of good.

Have more activities and ideas you want to suggest? Head over to our Facebook page at or browse our website for even more health information.