How to Avoid COVID-19

Viruses are can change constantly, and the COVID-19 virus is no different. It has been mutating since it first attached itself to human DNA. A couple of extremely infectious strains of COVID were initially discovered from late 2020 to early 2021 and began multiplying mainly because countries have not been able to keep the pandemic at bay.

These strains aren’t usually more fatal than its predecessors, but they seem to be more infectious. As the previous 12 months revealed, the virus spikes when individuals start neglecting safety guidelines and governments stop working to enforce lockdown measures.

The vaccines may offer a ray of light towards the end of this nightmare, but only a small portion of the Philippine population have actually had themselves vaccinated and herd immunity is still far from reach.

So, if you really want to steer clear from catching and spreading the current and newer COVID strains, you should be taking some additional preventive measures.

Here are four ways you can better secure yourself against the COVID-19 right now:


  1. Be more thorough with your handwashing and hygiene routine.

The newer COVID-19 strains are significantly more contagious. This means that regular interactions at the streets, grocery stores, and common living areas have a higher risk of containing the infection.

It only takes a small dose to get infected with the newer strains. So, keep some sanitizer with you at all times so you can disinfect immediately after going to these various locations.

Other than sanitizing your hands frequently, you can likewise sanitize surface areas that might possibly harbor the COVID or other infectious elements.

Handwashing has been a global trend this past year, and as the new strains spread out, it’s not the time to be taking breaks from lathering your hands with some soap and some warm water.

  1. Mask on mask

If you’re going to a congested area and you plan to wear a lightweight mask, it might be an excellent choice to double your mask. Health specialists say that doubling-up masks can considerably decrease the likelihood that contaminated droplets will be able to reach your nasal passages– most especially if you’ve previously always chosen thinner fabric masks.

  1. Always practice social distancing.


We’ve all been well acquainted with our own social bubbles during this pandemic. But that bubble’s actually bigger than you might think. Your bubble is everyone you have contact with and all the people they came in contact with. So, it’s really exponential, in a sense.

So, it follows that the people who are in that bubble must be people you trust to not have the infection and are doing every means to prevent the spread.

As newer strains of COVID-19 spread, it’s essential to regulate your social bubbles with even more diligence. Simply put, keep following physical distance guidelines and quarantine or isolate as needed.

The more that people are mindful of their bubbles, the faster the curve will flatten.

  1. Get yourself vaccinated if you’re eligible.

Over 100 million dosages of COVID-19 vaccines have actually been administered to people worldwide.

If you qualified to get the vaccine, if you’re part of an at-risk group of people, or if you’re a frontline worker, get the vaccine the soonest you can get it. That will curb the prominence of this pandemic and will help defeat the new strains.

Defeating COVID-19 in the Philippines is definitely not an easy task to pursue, but there is strength in numbers and strength in the individuals in that demographic. Be responsible for yourself and work on ways about how you’ll be able to help others do the same.

SPC Medical Center  has certainly done its share and that’s evident in our facilities. Stay safe at one of the safest hospitals in the region and get yourself checked up. Call us now at (049) 562-0726 to 8 and 0917 844 1000  to schedule an appointment with our doctors.