Tips for a Holiday Healthy Heart

Filipino holidays are special. We take time out of our busy schedules to come together and talk about great memories over equally great food. We’re able to just recharge and refuel our heart tank. But it’s in the happiest moments that we tend to let our guards down. If we’re not careful, our hearts can quickly crash and turn the holiday treats into a threat. So, it’s important to be extra mindful.

Here’s a few things you can do to keep your heart happy and healthy before, during, and after the Christmas and New Year festivities:


Pinoys are known to serve some of the best Christmas and Bagong Taon food. Liempo, Pata, Barbecue, Spaghetti, Ham, Pancit, and Lechon are some of our Noche Buena staples. A lot of these are what we would sometimes call “Putok Batok.” What’s there not to love? They’re delicious! But what do they actually do to our bodies?

A lot of the food mentioned above contains saturated fat. These can also be found in fast and heavily processed food. Too much of this can cause your LDL (Bad Cholesterol) levels to skyrocket. This can increase your likelihood of getting a heart disease and stroke.

One way you can go around this is to search for healthier ways to prepare these classic Filipino favorites. For example, crispy pata can be baked instead of fried. If you must fry, you can use an air fryer. Your regular ham or barbecue can be substituted for a chicken alternative. The ingredients in your spaghetti can be fresh and low fat instead of canned.

These simple tweaks can go a long way to help your heart health.


Limiting food intake doesn’t really work for everybody. It’s the holidays after all! You don’t want to starve yourself while everybody else devours mouthwatering meals, right? That’s torture for a lot of people!

For anyone who can’t restrain themselves, another trick to keep your heart healthy during this time is by mixing your “unhealthy” food with some healthy options. Get a smaller portion of Lechon or roast beef and mix it with some tossed greens. You can also pair fruit with a smaller slice of cake. It’s all about portion control and a smart approach to Christmas food combos.


Diet alone may do wonders. However, if you pair it with exercise, the effect can be monumental for your heart! A few exercise you can do is swimming, cycling, and running. However, if you already have a pre-existing heart condition, it may be best to consult your doctor to find out what exercises are best for you.

For some, walking should be enough to keep their heart in line. If you’re up for it, aerobic exercises and yoga are also ideal because they help strengthen your muscles which can assist in providing your heart some additional support.


When all is said and done, your mental and emotional health may also greatly impact your physical health. With that said, the holidays are an opportunity to relax. Whether you’re stuck inside or out and about, the best thing you can do this Christmas season for your heart is to pause and give yourself a break.

Many think that resting means you’re not being productive. On the contrary, resting gives you time to evaluate and energize yourself for what’s to come. It gives you the freedom to think about what’s best for you while you spend time doing what you want to do. So, if you’re working a lot and need to work through Christmas or New Year, remember to find pockets of time for yourself to just let loose. Stress makes your heart work harder. Eliminating stress helps your heart work better.

Celebrating the holiday season responsibly for your heart and for your health doesn’t necessarily mean you have to sacrifice all the things you love. It’s just about adjusting and finding the right balance of what you want and what your body needs. These four tips should keep you on the right track so you can start the next year stronger and better! Happy Holidays everyone!

Having heart issues? Call SPC Med now to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist! If you’re experiencing any tightness in your chest or sensations in your body that need urgent attention, we suggest rushing yourself to our emergency room so we can treat you immediately.