Kiss Hyperacidity Away This Holiday

Anyone suffering from GERD or hyperacidity can tell you that it’s not the most pleasant experience. Even with medication, symptoms like burning sensations, chest pain, and regurgitation can still occur frequently. Not to mention all the dos and don’ts that come with managing it. The question now is how to work around those restrictions at a time when you’re just supposed to let loose. How can you eat and do what you like during the holidays when you have this to think about? Well, it doesn’t have to be so complicated.

GERD and hyperacidity don’t have to paralyze you or prevent you from enjoying this Christmas or New Year. Here are a few things you can do to make this season bearable and memorable:

Be a moderator

This tip is applicable to everybody’s health. However, this is a crucial reminder if you want to celebrate the holidays without hyperacidity or GERD. Both overeating and under-eating can cause issues.

When you overeat, the stomach remains distended and the lower esophageal sphincter does not close properly. The LES is located between the mouth and stomach. When it has difficulties closing, it almost always causes heartburn because it’s unable to prevent the stomach juices and food from going back up your esophagus. Alternately, not eating at all causes your stomach to become too acidic. Try not to go more than three hours of foo withdrawal.

If you’re really itching to eat a lot, go for food that‘s GERD-safe such as salads, bananas, and nuts. Aim for high fiber food too. These tend to normalize the pH levels in your stomach.

Be a Timekeeper

As mentioned above, don’t go for more than three hours without food. This causes the level of acidity in your stomach to go up. As it stands, the acid in your stomach can already vaporize a razor blade. Imagine just how much damage it can do if the pH level increases. When you’re finally able to consume something though, make sure to eat slowly so your body can do a better job digesting. This slow pacing gives your body the opportunity to alert you when it can no longer accept more food. This is an effective way of preventing over-eating.

Pacing is also important when drinking fizzy drinks and alcohol. The stomach needs

Be a model

Another helpful tip for alleviating and avoiding symptoms of GERD and Hyperacidity is to always mind your body posing and positioning. Remember to always keep your head above your stomach. This means lying down at an angle and also standing up. Just let the natural law of gravity take its course. Adjusting your body this way makes it harder for stomach acid to travel back to the esophagus and provides relief from pain that accompanies acid reflux.

Be patient

Following the tips above won’t necessarily guarantee that you won’t have any acid-induced stomach issues this Christmas or New Year. But it does help you in great lengths to distance yourself from that naturally. So, it’s important to be both disciplined and patient whenever your stomach does act up. For these cases, you can take Omeprazole or other Proton-pump inhibitor drugs prescribed by your gastroenterologist. These inhibitors assist in the reduction of acidity in the stomach. Take these diligently as instructed by your physician and you should be all set to celebrate the holidays with more liberty.

Following these advises can get you through the festivities but carrying it over to the new year will definitely benefit you greatly. Don’t limit yourself to a season. A healthier lifestyle is not limited to a specific timeframe. We only have one body. So, we should take care of it all the time.

Do you have problems with GERD, Acid Reflux, or Hyperacidity? Get in touch with us now through our hotline or e-mail so we can connect you to any of our highly competent gastroenterologists and physicians. Call us now!